
Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common ailment that can significantly impact daily life and productivity. Understanding its causes and taking proactive measures can help prevent and alleviate discomfort. Let's explore the factors contributing to neck pain and practical steps to minimize its occurrence.

Know the Causes

Poor Posture

Prolonged periods of sitting or standing with improper posture can strain the muscles and ligaments in the neck.

Muscle Tension

Stress and tension can lead to tightness in the neck muscles, causing pain and stiffness.


Whiplash from car accidents, sports injuries, or falls can result in neck pain. 

Degenerative Conditions

Conditions such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease can cause neck pain as the structures in the spine deteriorate over time.

Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Intensive Care

How to Prevent?

Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Intensive Care

Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery

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Bincy Rahila Kalam 

Bincy Rahila Kalam 

Speech Therapist

Mohamed Elmusharaf

Mohamed Elmusharaf


Mohamed Yosri

Mohamed Yosri


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