Advices for feeding underweight child

It is preferable to eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks between them. Main meals are with the family and snacks are fresh vegetables four hours before lunch.

Seafood products (fish or shrimp) should be eaten at least twice a week (friedor grilled).

Eat plenty of fiber (such as vegetables and fruits) to avoid constipation. And treat constipation, if any.

To avoid eating a lot of cabbage, as too much cabbage negatively affects the thyroid gland.

Sleep early in a quiet and dark place is necessary for proper growth.

It is preferable to eat well-cooked liver (from beef or lamb) at least once a week.

It is prohibited to serve all kinds of sweets four hours before lunch. But ice cream can be given four hours after lunch, and French fries can be eaten at home for lunch.

It is forbidden to use yogurt with added flavors or fruits (because sugar is added to it during manufacture), but full-fat yogurt can be used without additives and a type of fruit can be added to it and blended at home.

Olive oil should be added to salads and other foods because it contains important healthy compounds.

All types of canned goods and ready-made chips and pre-made crackers, as well as any juices, are prohibited at any time.

Children should not be allowed to drink more than two cups of milk per day as this leads to reduce food intake at meals.

Avoid drinking cold or iced water after eating, as it causes indigestion.

All soft drinks, tea and coffee are prohibited.

To stimulate appetite, babies need to exercise and play daily.

Toys, books, or television should not be allowed during meals, as this distracts children from eating.

Meals should be fun times for the family and children should not be forced to eat. It is difficult for a child to eat while sad or crying. Eating with the family should be an enjoyable experience that increases a child’s appetite.

And it is preferable to do some tests for the child to rule out some medical problems such as iron deficiency.

Vitamins can be given to a child under the supervision of a doctor.

In the event that the doctor requests the use of high-calorie milk, it is preferable to take it after lunch and in the evening (because if the child consumes it in the morning, he may not eat well, breakfast and lunch), and the milk powder must be dissolved in the amount of water specified on the package. You should check child weight with your doctor.

Prefers higher-calorie foods (such as foods fried in butter and peanut butter)

Note: * The information on this website is not meant to be used to diagnose health conditions or to replace legitimate medical advice.

Dr. Mohamed Abbas
Specialist- Pediatrics & Neonatology