Bunions – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is a Bunion? 

A bunion is a painful, swollen bump at the base of the big toe. that occurs when the big toe joint moves towards the other toes, causing it to change position. This can cause pain and discomfort. 

What are the Common Symptoms of a Bunion? 

The most common symptom of bunions may include: 

  • Pain or discomfort in the ball of your foot 
  • Pain or discomfort at the base of your big toe 
  • Tenderness around the joint between your big toe and second toe, 
  • especially when you stand on it or move it back and forth (this is called hallux limitus) 
  • A bump on the side of your big toe at its joint with your foot (the head of bone at this joint may be enlarged) 

What are the Risk Factors of Bunions? 

The risk factors of bunions include: 

  • The shape of your foot. People with an arch higher than the ball of the foot are at a higher risk for developing bunions. 
  • Women. Women are more likely to get bunions than men because they tend to wear shoes that are too narrow and high-heeled, putting pressure on the toes and causing them to turn inward. 
  • Age. As we age, our feet become less flexible and more prone to injury and deformity. 

Other risk factors include,  

  • Tight shoes 
  • Previous injury or surgery on the foot 
  • Arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis) 
  • Overweight 

What are the Complications of a Bunion? 

Apart from causing discomfort in your toes and feet, if left untreated, it can lead to other complications, including, 

Bursitis is one of the most common complications of bunions. It occurs when the bursa, tiny fluid-filled sacs that cushion between tendons and bones, become inflamed. This can lead to pain and tenderness at the bottom of your foot just above the heel. 

Hammer’s toes occur when a toe bends upward, causing it to curl under the other toes to reach them more easily when walking. A bunion can cause or simply be caused by wearing shoes that do not fit properly. Hammer toes can cause pain, making it difficult for your feet to function properly. 

Metatarsalgia is another complication of bunions in which inflammation occurs underneath one or more of your metatarsal bones—the five long bones on top of each foot connecting them with your toes. It can cause pain in any part of the foot where there is bone under the skin; however, most often, it occurs near where the big toe connects with its first joint on top of each foot (called proximal interphalangeal joints). 

How to Prevent Bunions? 

If you’re worried that you might be at risk for bunions, there are a few ways to help prevent them from developing. Here are some tips: 

  • Wear shoes that fit properly. 
  • Avoid wearing high heels, as they can cause your toes to stick further than normal. 
  • Wear shoes with a wide-toe box and low heels. 
  • Take frequent breaks from wearing tight shoes or high heels, even if it’s just for a few minutes once or twice a day. 
  • Try to avoid running around barefoot as much as possible. 

How are Bunions Treated? 

Bunions are usually treated with two main approaches: surgery or non-surgical treatment. 

Non-Surgical Treatment for Bunions 

Physical therapists are usually the first line of defense when treating bunions. They can help you find effective stretches and exercises that can help reduce pain and inflammation. They may also recommend custom orthotics or shoes with extra support for your feet. If this doesn’t work, your foot specialist may recommend surgery to remove part of the joint that has become inflamed and swollen due to excessive pressure from footwear. 

Bunion Shockwave Therapy is a treatment for bunions that uses high-energy sound waves to create tiny microfractures in the bone. The resulting damage stimulates new bone formation and can help reduce the bunion’s size. 

Surgical Treatment for Bunions 

There are several types of surgery for bunions, including osteotomy (also called open reduction and internal fixation), arthrodesis (which fuses bones), exostectomy (a procedure that removes part of a bone), resection arthroplasty (a procedure that removes part of a joint) and various combinations thereof. 


This is the most common method for correcting bunions. It involves cutting and moving the bone away from the joint to create space for the toe. The procedure can be done through a small incision or keyhole surgery (also known as minimally invasive knee surgery). 

Arthrodesis: Arthrodesis

It is a permanent fusion of two bones, which means they will never move again. It’s used when there’s too much curvature in the joint and osteotomy isn’t an option. 


Exostectomy involves removing part of the bone causing pain or discomfort. It’s typically done when there’s only mild deformity and minimal arthritis in joints that have been affected by bunions over time due to wearing shoes that don’t fit properly or having an inherited condition called rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

Resection Arthroplasty

Resection arthroplasty is used when only part of the bone needs to be removed from an area where multiple boney abnormalities are present at once (such as with hallux valgus). 

Each type of surgery aims to relieve pain and correct deformities while maintaining function in the foot’s major weight-bearing joints. 

How Long Does Bunion Surgery Take? 

The procedure typically lasts between one and two hours. Still, it may take longer if you have other issues that need to be addressed in addition to your bunion. The doctor will remove loose bone fragments, repair torn ligaments, and realign the joint. Once the surgeon has finished with this part of the procedure, they will put a cast on your foot to keep everything in place while it heals. 

How Long Does it Take for Bunion Surgery to Heal? 

It depends on the individual. The recovery speed depends on how much damage your bunion has caused, how well you follow your surgeon’s instructions, and what kind of surgery was performed. 

How Painful is Bunion Surgery? 

Bunion surgery is a fairly common procedure. It can be a quick and relatively painless way to treat your bunion, although it requires anesthesia. 

Do Bunions Get Worse with Age? 

Yes, bunions do get worse with age. Bunions are caused by the foot’s metatarsal bones becoming misaligned, which causes the big toe to turn inward at an angle and press against the other toes. The condition can make walking, running, and wearing shoes difficult. As a person ages, their bones become less flexible, making it harder to correct a bunion on their own. This can lead to further pain and discomfort. 

A bunion is a common foot problem that affects the joint at the base of the big toe. Our foot and ankle podiatry specialists at Burjeel Hospital, Dubai provide advanced and individualized treatment for bunions to help you get back on your feet sooner. 

Our Expert Foot & Ankle Surgeons

Dr. Andrew Foggitt

Consultant Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Surgeon

Burjeel Hospital, Dubai