Khoisnam D. Singh

Dr. Khoisnam D. Singh Specialist Anesthesia

Years of Experience : 20

Nationality : India

Languages Known : English, Hindi, Manipuri


Dr. Khoisnam received his MBBS medical degrees from Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, India. He holds a DA and MD in Anesthesia and a Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management. He worked as Associate Professor at the University of Kolhapur and the University of Punjab in India. He also practiced at Wanless Hospital, Miraj, India. His areas of expertise include,

  • Total intravenous anesthesia
  • Neuroanesthesia
  • Pediatric anesthesia
  • Orthopedic anesthesia
  • Cardiac and plastic as well as ENT
  • Obstetric anesthesia