We aim to provide a professional, friendly and efficient service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. We would be happy to hear from you, and always strive to improve and enhance our service to you. Please ask for the Centre Manager in the first instance who will be happy to help. In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. We also have a suggestion box for you to post your suggestion anonymously if you wish of fill the below online form.

Online Feedback Form

Choose Your Feedback Type

feedback as

How would you rate this hospital overall in service and facilities provided *

Instructions on the follow-up appointment and the date were provided

Nurses educated you and your family members on the safety and infection control practices

The dietitians visited you regularly and educated you on your nutritional requirements

The discharge instructions on medications and follow-up care were clear

The explanation about the risks and duration of surgery, along with the preoperative instructions, was clear *

The nurses were polite and empathetic during your experience.

The physician attending to you was polite and empathetic

The surgery started on time as informed

The timely service of meals was satisfactory

The variety and taste of food provided were satisfactory

Timely discharge and follow up instructions provided was satisfactory *

Timely updates were provided to your family members/attendees

Would you recommend this hospital to family and friends *

You are involved in the decisions concerning your treatment

You are satisfied with the admission desk staff’s ability to respond to your queries

You are satisfied with the cleanliness of the room

You are satisfied with the cleanliness of the waiting area

You are satisfied with the courtesy and behavior of staff at the admission desk

You are satisfied with the courtesy and behavior of staff at the reception *

You are satisfied with the courtesy and behavior of staff scheduling the appointment

You are satisfied with the courtesy and behavior of the housekeeping staff

You are satisfied with the ease of booking an appointment

You are satisfied with the ease of the admission process

You are satisfied with the explanation of diagnosis and treatment provided by the physician *

You are satisfied with the nurses’ timely attention to your medication and treatment needs. *

You are satisfied with the response time of the housekeeping staff

You are satisfied with the response time of the nursing staff

You are satisfied with the time and attention provided by nurses to your needs *

You are satisfied with the valet parking service

You are satisfied with the waiting time at the clinic

You satisfied with the time and opportunity provided for your queries by the physician

You were explained clearly about the pre-anesthesia assessment

You were informed of any delays in a timely manner

You were satisfied with the explanation of diagnosis and line of treatment provided by the physician *

You were satisfied with the way reception staff responded to all your queries