How to Manage Diabetes During Ramadan

Diabetes is a Chronic Disease 

Diabetes occurs when the body can’t make enough insulin or can’t use the insulin it does make properly, which causes high blood glucose levels. Yep, that’s right: diabetes is a chronic disease with your pancreas at its center. Because diabetes is a chronic disease, it’s not curable, but it can be managed—and Ramadan is an excellent opportunity to review your management plan! 

Remember to Test Blood Glucose Levels 

Remember to test your blood glucose levels before and after each meal and when you first wake up. Check your blood glucose levels often to ensure they are not too high or too low. 

Eat Slowly and Avoid Overeating 

Instead of eating large amounts of food, eat smaller portions and try to avoid overeating. Avoid processed foods (like pizza, white bread, etc.). These highly processed foods are high in calories and low in nutrients. Eat slowly, so your body has time to register that you are full. Try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. Don’t eat too much at iftar or suhoor. Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits, ¼ with whole grains, and ¼ with proteins such as beans or chicken breast. 

Drink Plenty of Fluids Throughout the Day 

Drink plenty of water. This is the most important tip during Ramadan. You need to drink at least two quarts (2 liters) of water a day, even if you’re not thirsty. It’s best to drink one glass every hour during the hours when you are able to eat and drink. Avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea or drinks that have caffeine because they can make you more thirsty. Drink sugar-free drinks if possible, but avoid sugary beverages as they can change your blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. If you are taking diuretics, talk with your doctor about what is recommended for your fluid intake since those medications may further dehydrate your body. Drink lots of water before and after exercise so that your blood glucose level does not fall too low (hypoglycemia). 

Having diabetes during Ramadan can be challenging, but you can take steps to make it a little easier for yourself. With proper monitoring, preparation, and planning and a willingness to adhere to a few of your doctor’s recommendations, you should have no problem managing diabetes during these fasting days. Our Doctors are always here for you during this holy season. Additionally, we are offering a wide range of Health Packages specially designed to keep you and your family healthy throughout this holy month of Ramadan. 

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